Wednesday, June 18, 2014

The Edge Of Destruction (1964) Review

The Edge Of Destruction...
This one is just confusing.

It seems that the writers felt the need for some character development, so here comes Doctor Who's very first bottle show. The story itself is very simple: the TARDIS's rewind switch has gotten stuck, sending the ship back to the Big Bang(not explicitly, but probably). The crew have to figure out what's going on before the ship gets blown up.

Despite that simple premise that could've easily fitted into one solitary episode, we get a large amount of filler(mainly the Doctor and Susan being paranoid plus some nonsensical clues given by the TARDIS) which really drags it down. And it's only two episodes!!

On the plus side, the Doctor finally starts warming up to his companions and I'm really beginning to enjoy William Hartnell as the First Doctor. Man, was he awesome. When he's good, he's a grandfather role model. When he's evil, he drips with malignancy. Awesome.

William Russell(Ian) didn't have much to do in this episode except look confused, but his performance was fine as usual. I've even gotten used to that ridiculous cardigan he wears.

Barbara... just as weird as before. She's really creepy at the end when she looks into the distance. It's supposed to signify that she's insulted, but... still.

Susan was mostly okay, especially towards the end, but in the first episode, she acts completely OOC and starts threatening people with scissors... I mean, if she thinks Ian, Barbara and the Doctor are possessed, why doesn't she just ask who they are? Instead, she goes nuts. I don't like the way her character is written at all.

What I did love about this ep was that we got to see more of the TARDIS, the Doctor's speech at the end and getting to know about the Heart of the TARDIS so early on. We even found out how the time rotor works.

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