Thursday, June 19, 2014

The Keys Of Marinus (1964) Review

Despite creative writing and the varying stories, The Keys Of Marinus just doesn't have the same sense of adventure and progression that stories like Marco Polo can boast.

The story involves five keys that the crew has to gather all around the planet to reactivate a planet-managing AI. It's a very nicely thought out story that uses its sci-fi elements well, but still focuses more on the characters and simple predicaments(like 60s Doctor Who usually does). My favourite episode was the one where Ian was held on trial. It's a constantly reused story, but this one played out almost as well as an Agatha Christie novel.

The downside is that the serial wasn't very interesting. Most of the episodes bordered on being boring(with the exception of the last two) and the characters were all forgettable.

William Hartnell was top-notch in this, showing off his character's wide knowledge of technology as well as his intellect in something as simple as figuring out a crime. It's the best of him I've seen so far. I do wish we'd get a little insight into the Doctor's feelings. He's very secretive.

William Russell is a little too suspicious this time around as Ian, bordering on paranoia, but since he's correct every time, I guess I can write it off as instinct. And even paranoia would be expected after what he's been through. I like the show of continuity by having him wear his clothes from China.

Barbara has elevated herself to decent, which is good. Her motherly relationship with Susan is rather touching.

I really, really liked Susan in this serial. Her crybaby moments have been reduced to simple cuteness and while she's still not the Time Lady I'd like to see, she's doing just fine.

Overall, not bad, but still could've been much better given the concept.

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