Tuesday, July 8, 2014

The Myth Makers (1965) Review

The Myth Makers would be an entertaining historical worthy of a rewatch, if only because Vicki departs in that story. But it's a recon. And they're starting to annoy me. A lot. Seasons 3-6 are likely to be the hardest part of anybody's Doctor Who marathon and certainly mine, but I am determined to get through it.

Anyways, the story has the Doctor and co. visit Trojan times. Whilst the Doctor has to work out a way for Odysseus to get into Troy, Vicki is forced to work out a way to stop him. And Steven's in it too.

I thought Odysseus was a bit oddly written. In Episode 1, he comes across as the villain, trying to convince everybody to kill the TARDIS crew, but in the later episodes, he's more of an ally/nuisance.

I thought the Doctor was brilliant in this story, inventing the horse(not to mention flying machines). He had a great moment at the end as well where he declared "I'm not a god." Great stuff.

Steven was somewhat underused in this story. He even points out how useless he is to the Greeks(even though he could help the Doctor come up with a plan) so he goes and gets himself captured by the Trojans.

It's a known fact that you often don't appreciate what you have til you lose it. That's the way I feel about Vicki. She was a great, spunky companion and dammit, I'm gonna miss her. She was just often written badly, as a know-it-all or weirdly young, so it made it hard to get into her character, but here, she's great. The Doctor let her go a bit too easily though. I would've thought she has to escape the TARDIS or something.

I kinda like Katarina, who believes the TARDIS is limbo. It's a really funny twist on the Doctor/companion relationship. It's obvious that she's not going to be granddaughter nr. 3.

The Myth Makers has a well-crafted story that often pokes fun at itself and the Fall Of Troy, the heroes are surprisingly involved(it's obvious the Doctor's fear of changing history is melting) and it all comes together at the end. There's a depressing undertone about it, because you know all the Trojans are screwed.

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