Monday, August 18, 2014

Top 10 First Doctor Adventures

NOTE: I'm only counting the televised stories. I only make such lists when I have full knowledge of the subject and I could hardly read every First Doctor book, audio drama, comic etc.

10. The Celestial Toymaker - Although let down by some poor choices in set design and casting, it's one of the more imaginative of the Hartnell stories and sends the TARDIS crew into the proper unknown. I loved the games.

9. The Daleks' Master Plan - A Dalek story of the ages, where the Doctor is hunted from planet to planet, from galaxy to galaxy by the relentless exterminators for the core of the Time Destructor. Marks the return of an old enemy, the introduction of the Whoniverse. It's all-out war which burns up more than two companions. Heck, even the Brigadier kicks the bucket. Did I mention Charlie Chaplin, Egypt and Mavic Chen?

8. The Gunfighters - It's just so much fun. The comedy is excellent, the setting is beyond cool, the actors are all having a great time and it shows, the song is haunting in a good way and very atmospheric and there's a gunfight! A real, proper one! Yeah, the sort where shrubbery flies by.

7. Planet Of Giants - A perfectly solid sci-fi story with an environmental message and clever double action. Way ahead of its time, short and exciting. I just like it.

6. The Tenth Planet - Despite focusing too much on Snowcap's internal issues, the introduction of the Cybermen is handled with great care, as is William Hartnell's departure. The story is mature, the characters memorable, the resolution awesome and even the music is remarkable. Oh yeah, and the costuming is unforgettable too. Almost forgot that.

5. The War Machines - A unique treat for the Jon Pertwee-era fans who get to see William Hartnell in a very early 70s style story. Other than that, its' intriguing villain, cool new companions, brilliant direction and just the uncanny look of it all makes it a story to be reckoned with. Shame about the Machines themselves(I do like the wheels on the sides, though. Makes them look like tank-computer hybrids).

4. An Unearthly Child - How can you forget the first TARDIS take-off? The haunting music, the sound, the image of a frozen London floating away... besides building the groundwork of the series, the resulting three episodes provided a sharp lesson about just how dangerous time travel can be, especially when traveling with a Time Lord.

3. Marco Polo - A memorable story for its scope and simplicity, here we see the Doctor being forced to join Marco Polo in a several-months-long tour around China with the villanous Tegana. As time goes by, the crew get in and out of countless troubles, their relationships with the guest stars develops and they themselves are allowed to evolve as characters. It's almost a mini-show in its own right.

2. The Romans - The best comedy Doctor Who ever did, this story features the Doctor and co taking a vacation and ending up burning Rome to the ground! There's genius like the Doctor playing the lyre, Vicki non-chalantly poisoning the Emperor, Sir Ian getting an ego and wonderfully playing off Barbara... it really has no faults.

1. The Dalek Invasion Of Earth - Whilst dated in several aspects, it remains Hartnell's most epic story and a damn good one. Hartnell himself gets one of his best scenes as he figures his way out of a Dalek cell. The Doctor fights for humanity's survival for the first time(though he is naturally separated from the TARDIS) and then there are all the iconic Daleks in London moments. The story is well structured with each companion getting to do something vital that lead to the downfall of the Daleks. And a volcanic explosion in England... how's that for a finish?

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