Monday, March 23, 2015

Top 10 Third Doctor Adventures

10. The Sea Devils - You all know the story here... that music. Everything else here is top-notch: the message(Walker is nightmare inducing), the comedy(that sandwich scene), the Sea Devils, the Master, the whole setting, the chemistry... but it's all let down by the what has to be the worst score to anything.

9. Day Of The Daleks - A great, flashy time travel story let down by some big budget issues.

8. The Time Warrior - A really funny adventure that finally sees the Third Doctor venture into history, but despite its witty dialogue and charming rogue characters, it's missing something.

7. Spearhead From Space - An awesome intro to the 1970s, although the invasion plot feels a bit empty.

6. The Green Death - A rather unsubtle, boring environmental story jazzed up with the best evil duo ever: a Wagner-singing mad AI and a moustache-rocking CEO. It frequently fluctuates between a classic and a trainwreck.

5. The Curse Of Peladon - It has a dark, medieval atmosphere, reminiscent of the Hartnell historicals. The alien ambassadors are very impressive, especially the Ice Warriors. Pertwee gets to do diplomacy like only he can.

4. Planet Of The Spiders - Albeit anticlimactic at times, Pertwee's sendoff is still lots of fun and the villains are really awesome. I enjoyed the regeneration and the way the story set it up.

3. Inferno - What a great way to write horror. It's set mostly in a parallel universe, meaning that there's no getaway fix and no rewriting history. Despite the bleakness of the story, there's also some classic sci-fi humor like the Doctor meeting the counterparts of his friends and later comparing them.

2. The Mind Of Evil - This is my classic UNIT story. All the elements are there and it still feels fresh and realistic. The Master is a brilliant opponent and his Keller Machine is an inspired concept.

1. The Ambassadors Of Death - It's one of the slowest stories I've ever seen, but uniquely makes it work with an intelligent mystery plot, a truly psychologically scary alien race and very interesting characterisation.

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