Saturday, October 8, 2016

Top 10 Fourth Doctor Adventures

10. The Horns Of Nimon - This one's a personal favourite. It's so bad it's good. There's a special magic born from a dark cloud of utter disinterest from everyone involved, with OTT performances and hilariously poor effects galore. 

9. Horror Of Fang Rock - A claustrophobic psychological horror story with an ingenious historical location and a nice, well characterised small cast. 

8. Full Circle - Completely unique with a truly alien, but sensical world. It looks visually impressive as well.

7. The Deadly Assassin - Whilst it's a fairly interesting political thriller, this one is mostly notable for its break from the formula and establishing the Doctor's home planet. It's also easily one of the best Master stories out there. The only thing I dislike is the long, drawn-out segment inside the Matrix. 

6. Genesis Of The Daleks - Let's get one thing straight: this isn't the best Doctor Who story of all time. Not even close. But it's still a terrific, dark origin story for the Daleks, that manages to both reinvent them and pay homage to their Nazi origins.

5. The Talons Of Weng-Chiang - Almost like reading a Sherlock Holmes novel, it's intricate and layered, with a truly fantastic villain and a great combination of history and sci-fi.

4. The Seeds Of Doom - It's just one of those stories that is perfectly solid in every aspect. The idea of nature as the villain is really interesting, and the special effects hold up very well.

3. Pyramids Of Mars - Creates a truly gothic atmosphere, with one of the best one-off villains in the show's history. It's also got remarkable similarities to the new series. 

2. The Brain Of Morbius - Perfect Halloween horror, with a dark atmosphere, but plenty of wordplay to balance it out. It's an important chapter in Gallifreyan lore, but not in a grandiose, epic sort of way.

1. The Androids Of Tara - Pure swords and sorcery fun, with a witty villain, action and adventure, and just everyone firing on all cylinders. Light Doctor Who at its absolute best.

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