Saturday, March 10, 2018

Top 10 Robert Holmes Stories

Robert Holmes is renowned as one of the most prolific and intelligent writers who ever worked on Doctor Who, his stories ranging from brilliantly acidic satire to skincrawling horror to fun, pulpy sci-fi.

So now that I've finished his last story, I think it's only fair to honor his decades-long contribution to Doctor Who(helping to build its mythology and style) with a ranking of the ten greatest stories he gave us.

10. The Time Warrior - The introduction of the Sontarans, who are portrayed here as true military minds and a genuinely frightening threat. Also the first outing of the immediately impressing Sarah Jane and a rare Pertwee historical. It's always worth a rewatch.

9. The Ark In Space - Ridley Scott's Alien way ahead of its time, with a lovely atmosphere and set design and some great character building.

8. Carnival Of Monsters - An endlessly creative, fun adventure that delivers on the title and features some hilarious guest stars.

7. The Sun Makers - A biting satire of the British tax system with a comfy, laidback tone and some killer gags.

6. The Ribos Operation - Doctor Who at its most theatrical, in a good way. It's dense and slow, but filled to the brim with great characters.

5. Pyramids Of Mars - Egyptian iconography is always great for horror, plus it features one of the most badass villain performances in the show's run. Tom Baker's performance in this story is practically the template for modern Doctor Who.

4. The Talons Of Weng-Chiang - A novel-worthy sci-fi murder mystery in the Victorian era, represented so well here by constant darkness and fog machines. Feels like a Sherlock Holmes story on steroids.

3. The Brain Of Morbius - A classy, atmospheric pastiche of Frankenstein that mixes in elements of the Doctor's own mythology and stars the excellent Philip Madoc.

2. The Caves Of Androzani - "What if instead of celebrating this Doctor, we put him through the grinder and let him prove how heroic he is through actions rather than speeches?"

1. The Deadly Assassin - In possibly the most important story in the show's history, Holmes defines both the Time Lords and the Master as we now know them. It's iconic, visually spectacular and a terrific break from formula.

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