Monday, April 6, 2020

Top 10 Ninth Doctor Adventures

10. Aliens Of London/World War Three - Kind of a mess, but I've always had a huge soft spot for it. I think Eccleston suits a UNIT story really well, his Doctor is so naturally militaristic and it's a joy to see him strategize against the Slitheen.

9. The End Of The World - Nothing too special, but it's a good character-building episode for Rose, you really feel the oomph at the end when she returns to see Earth and bonds with the Doctor.

8. Boom Town - It's a bit all over the place, but Margaret is always fun and it's probably the best story in terms of chemistry between this TARDIS team.

7. The Long Game - It's only becoming more relevant over time, and I think the mystery angle was very well executed. Also, Simon Pegg was impeccable as the main villain.

6. Rose - A strong and well-paced intro to the new series, very good for bringing fans onboard for a ride.

5. Father's Day - Makes no real logical sense, but it's a heartfelt story that always tugs on my heartstrings. I also love the use of a church as a setting.

4. Dalek -  Classic, obviously. The Time War part doesn't hold up now, but it does a great job of showcasing the threat of one Dalek on the loose.

3. The Unquiet Dead - Lovely Charles Dickens tribute. I especially enjoyed the moral dilemma of the Gelth and how that created natural conflict between the Doctor and Rose.

2. Bad Wolf/The Parting Of The Ways - The game show aspect might be a bit iffy now, but it's still one of the strongest Dalek stories to date, and a very effective send-off for Chris Eccleston's Doctor. And I love Lynda with a Y!

1. The Empty Child/The Doctor Dances -  A chilling World War II horror with a great mystery, a memorably grotesque villain and a strong companion introduction. It's atmospheric and extremely memorable.

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