Sunday, October 11, 2015

Robot Of Sherwood (2014) Review

Lol, he looks like Maggie Smith.

NOTE: This is my original review of this episode that I made on GateWorld Forum in 2014.


Robot Of Sherwood is a classic. It's a perfect blend of historical and futuristic, the tie-in to the main plot is good and everyone are having a heck of a time. A lovely story.


The Doctor begrudgingly takes Clara to Sherwood Forest to prove that Robin Hood doesn't exist, only to discover that he does, and that there are Cybermen rip-offs with a slightly convoluted plan on the loose.


Peter Capaldi shines as the Doctor. His stubborn nature prevents him from believing Robin's existence until the very end as it should be, his interactions with Hood are brilliant, brilliant stuff and his wit has never been better. I friggin' love Doctor 12. He's like the grumpy, awkward grandfather you don't visit a lot, but secretly love to be around with and are in awe of. I like the way he hates people laughing for no reason, it's the first time I've considered a Doctor to be similar to me.

Clara Oswald is still kind of naturally not fun(no offence, but there's just nothing brilliant here), but at least she has an electrifying scene with the Sheriff Of Nottingham.

Robin Hood gets some real depth(well, more than he already had in the stories). I do wish we could've seen more of the less-heroic and more normal Robin, but I(it) was still a wonderfully nuanced performance.
(2015 Note: I was a wonderfully nuanced performance?? Jesus, I just started acting school!)

The Sheriff Of Nottingham was a great villain, suitably menacing and slightly OTT, but in a good way. He worked great with the cast and like Robin, had a bit of nuance to him and why he was bad.


*I knew they'd sneak Patrick Troughton in here somewhere!! Called it!

*I see the Doctor's been watching those Ginosaji videos.
(2015 Note: The Ginosaji videos are a series on Youtube that start with "The Horribly Slow Murderer With The Extremely Inefficient Weapon". It's a great parody of horror films and they're making their own already! I can't wait to see it!)

*The next episode seems to be crap. Yet another kiddie horror story. And a retread of "out of the corner of your eye" from The Eleventh Hour.

*We need non-feminist writing ASAP.

*If Doctor Who looks any more HD, my eyes will burn.

*No plot holes, no paradoxes, no logic fails. So refreshing. Sorry, Steven. We still love you.


"There's no such thing as Robin Hood!"


A fantastic outing from Mark Gatiss, Capaldi becomes his Doctor, the historical elements are beautiful, the futuristic elements are awesome... 10/10.

Seriously, I am dreading the next Capaldi ep. Well, besides Danny's appearance. He's cool.

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