Monday, December 29, 2014

Code Of The Krillitanes (2010) Review

Code Of The Krillitanes is a fun, imaginative episode of the Tenth Doctor era disguised as a book. It marks the return of underused bad guys, has some great twists and is overall a lovely story.


The Doctor investigates a virus in the internet and uncovers a secret within Brainy Crisps, a new brand of crisps that apparently makes everyone smarter...


As far as the Tenth Doctor goes, the author got him down right. I can easily imagine David Tennant delivering most of his lines.

I liked the red herring guy, Henry. Not the usual sort of companion. He doesn't admittedly have much character - or even a last name, but he's good.

The bad guys(who, for some reason, don't recognise the Doctor) are all practically the same, scarily uptight people as they were in their previous story, with Clive being a deceptive exception.


*Miss Sark? Is that a Tron reference? The book came out the same year as Tron: Legacy.

*I loved the gentle Super-Krillitanes. They were hilarious.

*Brainy Crisps is such an inappropriate name. It's like when they called the ice cream "the Stuff" in the eponymous horror movie. Usually, they get called Lays or something weird like that.

*Seriously, why hasn't anyone brought the Krillitanes and/or the Skasis Paradigm back? Here's my story pitch: The Krillitanes have solved the Paradigm in their computers and have built a machine to harness its powers since the Paradigm is so complex that none of them can memorise it. They use the machine(which is quickly breaking down) to bring Gallifrey out of the pocket universe so that they can use the power of the Hand of Omega to create a brain that can control the Paradigm more permanently.


Nothing too brainy, but worth a one-time read.

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