Monday, December 29, 2014

The Silurian Gift (2013) Review

The Silurian Gift is basically yet another take on the same story. It'd be okay, but there already is a definitive Eleventh Doctor Silurian story. Someone really needs to do something new with them. And Madame Vastra doesn't count!


Disguised as a journalist, the Doctor finds himself in Antarctica, investigating "Fire Ice", which is meant to solve the world's fuel problems. However, that fuel belongs to the Silurians, who've been woken up again and have a rebellious upstart who just won't have peace...


The Eleventh Doctor is too subdued. He sounds far more serious and plot-centred than he ever did in the episodes. That's just not his character.

Lizzie is alright as a stand-in companion. I did love the way she tricked the Doctor into believing her credentials.

The bad guy(Pelham) is surprisingly complex and is partially even redeemed towards the end.
The Silurian characters(a father and a young daughter) are exactly whom you'd expect.

Also, the Sea Devils make a cameo and shoot stuff.


*I look forward to seeing the Myrkas. I presume they're the dinosaurs from the early The Silurians episodes, but they were never identified there.

*The Doctor would make a brilliant reporter. He and that guy from Newswatch could've made history.


"I thought that you were the one I was going to have trouble with." The Doctor being hilariously gullible.


Same old, same old.

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