Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Top 10 Second Doctor Adventures

10. The Mind Robber - As meta as it can get, the TARDIS lands inside the world of fiction where our characters must defeat the Writer and escape!! How awesome is that? Lots of brilliant, silly moments and a notably atmospheric first episode.

9. The Faceless Ones - This one I'm giving the benefit of the doubt, since the existing episodes are very engaging whilst the ones that don't are the opposite. In any case, the story is unique and very interesting and the leads have some great moments.

8. The Wheel In Space - One of the finest Cyberman stories, here we see them employ a complex plan instead of march around like idiots. They have very little to do physically, but their presence is more than enough to carry the story. I loved the first episode, where the Doctor and Jamie investigate an abandoned spaceship. Slow and clever.

7. The Enemy Of The World - The Doctor is forced to masquerade as an international hero in order to learn whether or not he's planning to conquer the world as a resistance group suspects. A notable acting turn from Patrick Troughton, who gets to chew some scenery as the Mexican Salamander, plus brilliant direction and writing. It's admittedly a little too fast-paced to make sense, but very memorable.

6. The Abominable Snowmen - A very refreshing visit to the Tibetan mountains where our heroes help a monastery to uncover the secret of the violent Yeti...

5. The Power Of The Daleks - A rather depressing tale where our new, creepy and untrustworthy Doctor is faced with his worst foes on a planet filled with fools and madmen. Excellent material, but suffers from some padding and lack of video.

4. The Seeds Of Death - This story wins thanks to its excellent presentation. Cinematic direction, brilliant performances, atmospheric space shots and above average writing. Ambition and effort get you far.

3. The Web Of Fear - Probably the scariest Doctor Who story involving monsters. A group of people are trapped in the dark, oppressive London Underground with Yeti around any other corner!

2. The Evil Of The Daleks - The Daleks at their very best, scary and conniving, here we see them hire the Doctor himself to accomplish their scheme. From the 1960s to the 1860s and back to the alien world Skaro where it all began, this is the Second Doctor's darkest hour.

1. The War Games - Amazingly well-crafted and dependably entertaining, this one just encapsulates everything you could possibly want to see in a Doctor Who story: the mythos, the jokes, the bad guys, the good guys, the action, the adventure, the magic, the horror, the shaky sets. It's the ultimate classic Doctor Who story.

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