Monday, March 23, 2015

Jon Pertwee - The Third Doctor (1970 - 1974, 1983) Retrospective

"If you have a tool, it's stupid not to use it."

*Doc-meter: Pushed by the Time Lords to become the defender of Earth, the Third Doctor started out as a dashing, witty hero, perfect for fighting injustice... particularly his own. His obsession with escaping his exile often blinded him, along with his fondness for the Master, an old friend/archrival. Nevertheless, his authority and passion more than made up for his ego and after getting free, he treated his friends with fondness and care.

*Favourite Story: The Ambassadors Of Death.

*Favourite Companion: Liz Shaw. (Yes, I know I said Sarah, but looking back, it was Liz that really fit him best)

*Favourite Enemy: The Master. (Hell yeah!)

*Screwdriver: A long silver rod with a telescopic top and a bit of metal replacing the diode.

*Costume: In his earlier years, the Third Doctor wore red and purple capes on top of a suit with frilled shirts. Later on though, he began to favour velvet smoking jackets.

*Worst Story: The Daemons.

*Worst Companion: Jo Grant.

*Worst Enemy: The Gel Guards.

*Overall era: This reinvented era is mostly all about the wrongdoings of humanity. While this moralising does make it a more intellectual watch when compared to the First and Second Doctor eras, it's significantly less fun. The UNIT format had a very limited lifespan(the show completely lost interest in them after season 8) and the highbrow writing seldom fit elsewhere, requiring the show to try and awkwardly return to its roots. Nevertheless, the Pertwee era is still very stylish, unique and charming as is its lead star.

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