Monday, July 2, 2018

Top 10 Seventh Doctor Adventures

10. Ghost Light - An atmospheric, wildly inventive story, but it just doesn't work in its current form.

9. The Happiness Patrol - I know it's part of the whole theme of the story, but I struggle to get past the tacky production design. Plus, what exactly the Doctor is doing in this story is hard to follow. Still, gotta love the Kandy Man.

8. The Greatest Show In The Galaxy - I think I liked the concept more than the execution. It's directed well enough, I just expected it to go far more than it did. In the end, it all came down to parlour tricks.

7. Delta And The Bannermen - A ridiculous, irreverent runaround with a memorably bloodthirsty villain.

6. Battlefield - An awesome collision of Arthurian legend and Doctor Who, and an epic send-off for the Brigadier! I just wish they actually had killed him off and the whole thing made a bit more sense.

5. Remembrance Of The Daleks - A bit soulless, but essentially a slick action-adventure without much to fault it for. Great use of the 1960s setting too.

4. Survival - The Cheetah world is my favourite alien planet in Doctor Who. The story works remarkably well as closure to the show at the time as a whole.

3. Silver Nemesis - Another slick action-adventure, only this time with a far more interesting McGuffin and hints of a larger game at play. I think it also better showcases the chemistry between McCoy and Aldred.

2. Paradise Towers - One of the funniest, most well-thought out comedies I've ever seen.

1. The Curse Of Fenric - It's amazing how far a show can go when pushed in certain directions. Fenric is an immortal Machiavellian foe whom the Doctor can only defeat by matching him in cunning and manipulative tendencies, to the point of using Ace herself as a mere pawn. The contest between them is epic, and so are the ways that it affects everyone around them.

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