Sunday, October 11, 2015

Kill The Moon (2014) Review

Please take your own advice Clara, and shut up.

NOTE: This is my original review of this episode that I made on GateWorld Forum in 2014. Also, this review was written after my reviews of Mummy On The Orient Express and Flatline, for the simple reason that I initially hated it so much I turned off the TV and briefly vowed to stop watching the new series. Naturally, I quickly learned that one does not simply quit Doctor Who. 

Still, this review is more a rant than anything else. 


Kill The Moon was, as I already thought, a very dumbed-down variation of the drama in The Waters Of Mars, except here, the Doctor has to carry all the idiot cast members(sorry, but that's just how I feel. You don't like it, you don't read it).
(2015 Note: By "already thought", I meant that that's the idea I got from seeing the first half a week ago and now confirmed. Also, let me apologise again for my lack of restraint in this review.)


Because the Doctor told a kid she's not special, Clara guilts him into taking her to the Moon where the Doctor magically guesses it's an egg(okay, maybe he sensed it or sth, but then he would've said so) and Courtney is retarded enough to post pictures of her time-traveling on Tumblr. One shoe-horned abortion storyline later, Clara blames the Doctor for setting her up for a test. Ace, she isn't.
(2015 Note: By Ace, I mean the Seventh Doctor's companion, who was frequently tested by his mentor, often in pretty harsh manner. However, the two had a much more amiable and understanding relationship than the Twelfth Doctor and Clara did.)


The captain's melodramatic and trusts the Doctor for no reason, her crew's forgettable, Courtney is *insert ugliest word you can think of* and Clara is as annoying as ever.
Hail Peter Capaldi though. He's still great, I think. 


*I see Moffat(OK, he didn't write this, but he does edit the scripts) has yet to learn the good old "show, don't tell" rule.

*How does Courtney post photos of herself? Is that Clara's phone? If so, why is it in the TARDIS? And how come it just takes the sonic to make phones do that nowadays?

*Wouldn't the Earth suffer from all kinds of crazy weather because of the moon's explosion?

*What about the debris falling through the atmosphere?

*I swear to god, if I see Clara casually using those controls one more time... some things are meant to be sacred! Remember Troughton slapping Jamie's hand off them?


It's just plain bad.

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