Sunday, October 11, 2015

The Caretaker (2014) Review

This photo sums up Series 8 for me. A confused Danny, an OTT Doctor and Clara acting like they're both schoolboys.

NOTE: This is my original review of this episode that I made on GateWorld Forum in 2014.


The Caretaker is an average Doctor Who episode uplifted by some really great performances.
(2015 Note: I must disagree... an average episode should be fun, not meh.)


The Doctor dresses up as a caretaker to infiltrate Coal Hill School because there's a monster robot there(what a coincidence!). Meanwhile, Danny finally realises the truth.


Peter Capaldi shines next to Sam Anderson. The two play off each other wonderfully, rather than the bickering they have with Clara. I can't wait for Anderson to take over entirely, I really can't.
Speaking of which, Sam Anderson shines next to Peter Capaldi. His soldier-Time Lord relationship with him is spot-on. Although I am a little iffy as to how he apparently deciphers the Doctor's personality in 10 seconds. Clara's rubbing off on him.
(2015 Note: This is hilarious, because I only remember hating these two together. All they did was bicker about Clara and whether or not the Doctor's a good man.)

I liked seeing the junkyard again(even though it looks NOTHING like the ones from the 1980s). Also, Missy's finally back, though apparently too busy for her side of the plot today. Lolz.


*You have an entire episode set in the Coal Hill School and you have the audacity not to include a cameo from William Russell?!?! They could've had him in the TARDIS instead of that dumb kid! 
(2015 Note: I am still not over this. If William Russell is going to appear in that new spin-off, I will be so pissed that rivers will turn yellow.)

*I really pity that police officer. To die and find himself in the crappiest Promised Land ever...

*I bet they're not dead though. It's gonna be another "everybody lives!". 
(2015 Note: Partial kudos to Moffat for not letting them stay alive, even if they did come back in a way.)

*My mom claims Clara's just another Peri wearing a mini-skirt in a school and while it's not THAT bad(actually it is, because the Sixth Doctor at least didn't take his companion seriously), it is the closest match.

*All I'm really asking is that Clara appreciate the life of time travel and be more subdued and less demanding.

*It's especially frustrating since I'm switching between 12/Clara and the infinitely better 2/Jamie/Victoria TARDIS teams.

*Did the Doctor really leave alien tech lying around the school? I'm disappointed in him.

*Why doesn't the Doctor just tell the kid that his box is a disused police box instead of fidgeting around?


Meh. I loved the scenes with Danny(he's basically the new Rory), but that's all this is worth for. No rewatch value.

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