Sunday, October 11, 2015

Listen (2014) Review

Still trying to decide whether I like this episode...

NOTE: This is my original review of this episode that I made on GateWorld Forum in 2014.


Listen is a mediocre, confused story saved by great acting on the leads' part and equally great direction.


The Doctor has issues about the dark so Clara travels back in time to Gallifrey and pats him on the head. And something about Danny, kid Danny and Danny's descendant.


Peter Capaldi perfectly embodies someone you know is going a bit crazy, but considering Moffat's usual clichéd writing, might just be right. I just loved his look of concern when Clara seemed hurt. It pulled at my heartstrings in a way most actors never have. 

Clara works really well with Danny Pink. They should get a spin-off and we should get a new, less self-centered companion.

I really like Danny. He's destined to be a bit of a goofball, but does the hurt thing well. However, I don't buy him as a war veteran. Like John Hurt, he's far too nice.


*I have to applaud Moffat for choosing a kid whose hair is reminiscent of William Hartnell's.

*So if the Time Lords are still accessible via time travel, how come they've failed to notice all those universe reboots, the Reapers, the Doctor's meddling in history etc.

*And did the Ninth Doctor seriously not run a "is my planet still there?" check?
(2015 Note: To clarify, I was wondering how the Ninth Doctor hadn't noticed the planet was still accessible via time travel as they imply here that the Twelfth Doctor didn't.)

*I felt like cheering when the Doctor said "Do as you're told!"

*So if the Doctor imagined it all, what was up with the guy under the blanket and the pounding on the door?

*How come the Gallifreyans wear Earth-style clothes?

*So we've finally established a difference between Gallifreyans and Time Lords. Nice.

*Shouldn't the Doctor have had a breakdown in the many dark stories before this? Why is it Capaldi's Doctor who gets all those weird ideas in his head?

*I'm really gonna hate the woman next ep.
(2015 Note: Madame Karabraxos. And not really, no.)

*The telepathic circuit thing directly contradicts numerous episodes, most notably The Two Doctors.


"He will never be a Time Lord if he doesn't stop crying." This is probably the first epic DW thing I haven't been spoiled on. I caught my breath and that's certainly never happened before. Epic.

"I'm against the hugging!!!"


Great ending, crappy episode. 

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